Further to the Proclamation and subsequent repeal of Section 34 of the Administration of Justice (Indictable Proceedings) Act 2011 and the ensuing damage to public confidence arising from both actions, it is critical that Government take immediate steps to restore that trust in public administration which is essential for good order in our society.
Based on the statements of the Attorney General and Minister of Justice as recorded in Hansard and the conflicting actions which followed, it is clear that a deliberate attempt was made to deceive our Parliament and by extension the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago.
Consequently the group of NGO’s and civil society representatives here today is calling on the Honourable Prime Minister to make a full statement to the Parliament and the nation to explain how these particular clauses came to be proclaimed and repealed. The Honourable Prime Minister’s statement must go beyond asking the population “to move on” and must address the question of accountability with respect to those who have transgressed.
This group is further seeking assurances that:
- The course of justice will be allowed to proceed with respect to the Piarco Airport accused.
- The Bernard Report into the Piarco Airport project will be immediately published.
- The UFF recommendations will be promptly implemented via a Working Group as promised
in 2010
The draft bill on a new public procurement system prepared by the private sector / civil
society group (JCC, TTTI, TTMA and TT Chamber of Commerce) and formally endorsed by FITUN and AMCHAM, will be laid in Parliament immediately for debate at the start of the next session with a view to the new system being made law within three (3) months.
This group will not just move on, as is being suggested, from the perceived plot to pervert Parliament.
Submitted by:
Joint Consultative Council (JCC)
Trinidad & Tobago Transparency Institute (TTTI)
Federation of Independent Trade Unions and NGO’s (FITUN) Trinidad & Tobago Manufacturers’ Association (TTMA)