Former diplomat and Head of the Public Service Reginald Dumas was the feature speaker on July 25th when Trinidad and Tobago Transparency Institute held its 14th Annual General Meeting at the Hotel Normandie. In attendance were individual and corporate members, members of the diplomatic corps as well as representatives of state agencies, international organizations and the media.
Attorney at Law, Rishi Dass, Academic Director at the Arthur Lok Jack
Graduate School of Business, Dr Kamla Mungal and Jason Stedman, Creative Director at The Buzz Ltd were nominated and elected to ll vacancies created following the resignations of Frederick Du Coudray, Gerard Pemberton and Annette des Iles.
They join other Transparency’s Board Members: Deryck Murray (Chair), Dion Abdool (Vice-Chair), Susan Gordon (Secretary), Ronald Ramcharan (Treasurer), Dr Michael Alleyne, Josh Drayton, and Lorraine Rostant.
What’s Inside:
- Ti’s 20th Annual Membership Meeting
- 2013 – A Year to Remember
- Recent Transparency Public Procurement Reform Activities –
- ‘We’ not ‘They”
- TTEiTi Releases First Report
- T & T National Takes second in Ti’s Youth Writing Competition