This report outlines the activities of Trinidad and Tobago Transparency Institute (Transparency), the national chapter of Transparency International (TI), between its Sixteenth and Seventeenth Annual General Meetings, carried out for the most part following strategic decisions set in the Strategic Framework 2012-2015 and TI’s Strategy 2020 – Together Against Corruption in fulfillment of Transparency’s Vision of A world in which government, politics, business, civil society and the daily lives of people are free of corruption.
and revised Mission To stop corruption and promote transparency, accountability and integrity at all levels and across all sectors of our society.
During the period under review, the Board of Directors held two Strategic Planning sessions:
- at the first on 8 August, 2015, facilitated by Vice Chair Dion Abdool, TI’s draft Strategy to 2020 was considered and it was agreed to align our strategic activities with the three pillars of TI’s strategic plan: People and Partners, Enforcement and Justice, Strong Movement;
- at the second on 16 April, 2016, facilitated by Douglas Camacho, our Mission and Vision were reviewed. It was decided that our Mission should be aligned with the new TI Mission to be To stop corruption and promote transparency, accountability and integrity at all levels and across all sectors of our society.
Our 2016 to 2020 Strategic Plan is to be finalized by the end of this year.
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