Mexico needs to give more priority to foreign bribery enforcement, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. In fact, the country has yet to prosecute a case involving the bribery of foreign public officials 19 years after ratifying the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention. “This is a cause for significant concern, especially given the export-driven nature of the Mexican economy and because its exports include high-risk sectors for corruption—such as extractives, manufacturing, and agricultural products,” the OECD said.
The OECD Working Group on Bribery recently completed its Phase 4 evaluation of Mexico’s implementation of the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions and related instruments. Phase 4 examines the evaluated country’s challenges and positive achievements and explores issues such as detection, enforcement, corporate liability, and international cooperation, as well as unresolved issues from prior Working Group evaluations.
In its Phase 4 evaluation on Mexico, the OECD recommends that Mexico nominate a special anti-corruption prosecutor; appoint judges to the Federal Court of Administrative Justice; appoint the attorney general pursuant to the new constitutional mechanism; and implement the new anti-bribery protocol.
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